Thursday, February 18, 2010

Saturday Pick up Rehearsal-Feb 27th

As we discussed we're gonna add Saturday Feb 27th as a rehearsal. I'm thinking 8-10am. Hopefully that works. Here is who I'll need and what we'll be doing.

Stage/Dance: "Can't Touch This" (8am-9am)
Jake H.
Evan L.
Christian S.
Tyler N.
Devin C.
Parker W.
Gianella N.
Natalie N.
Olivia R.

Stage: Scenes 7, 8"it's a Test" & 10 (9am-10am)
Eric. C
Jake H

Monday, February 8, 2010

For Tuesday 2/9

For Tuesday night - February 9:
6:45 – Young Women Room

* Come dressed in a costume you envision your character wearing.

* Remember your clothes, make-up and hair really need to show on stage. So, it would be a good idea to's a costume!

* Cliques/stage groups: it would be a good idea to coordinate with your group. Not everyone has to be exactly the same, but a style and color theme would be good.

* If you have a scene change, and you think a clothing change would be good, come ready to show us how that will work. Example: if you want to change into a dress for the dance scene, how are you going to layer your clothes to make that possible for changing in a group?

* Girls who are going to be in the dream scene: you will need black leggings or jeans and long sleeve black top. If possible, try to incorporate those pieces into your costume so you can just take off the top layer for the dream scene.

* Remember, the Stake has asked us to not spend lots of money. Be creative - borrow from friends, etc.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Temecula Ward Road Show Cast List

Thank you to all of those who auditioned for the roadshow. You are all an amazing group of talent. If you have a large speaking role and need a script, see Theresa Taylor. In addition, be sure to pick up a rehearsal calendar so you can be ready on those respective days. Also, Emily Taylor will have the music you need for the show.
I'm am very excited to work with each of you!!

Here they are:

Ben: Eric Crookshank
Brittney: Becca Bledsoe
Carrie (MG/ “It’s a Test” Lead): Morgan Newton
Lexi (MG): Riley Bray
Macy (MG): Jessica Taylor
Stacy(MG): Cheyenne Campbell
Gavin: Jake Henrickson
Leonard: Evan Leavitt
Sheldon: Christian Smith
Dad/Narrator: Connor Leavitt
Lil Brittney: Kylee Roberts
Principle Cogsworth: Brandon Smith
Mrs. Potts: Jessica Beltran
Ms. Sharp: Caitlin Lester
Girls Ensemble:
oEllen Logan: Mean Girl (Op/Test/Cl)
oEmily Bledsoe: Mean Girl (Op/Test/Cl)
oGillian Warren: Nerd Girl + (Op/Test/Cl)
oAllysa Crookshank “What Up” Girl 3 + (Op/Test/Cl)
oGianella Nicora: Gavin Girl (Op/Gav/Cl)
oNatalie Nutting: Gavin Girl (Op/Gav/Cl)
oOlivia Rivera: Gavin Girl (Op/Gav/Cl)
oAngela Smith (Op/Cl)
oMylee McKay (Op/Cl)
oMauri Rivera (Op/Test/Cl)
oRheanna McLaughlin(Op/Test/Cl)
oJustine Taylor (Op/Test/Cl)
oAlexa Henrickson (Op/Test/Cl)
oRachael Crawford (Op/Test/Cl)
Boys Ensemble:
oTyler Nutting: Gavin Goon + (Op/Gav/Cl)
oDevin Crookshank: Gavin Goon + (Op/Gav/Cl)
oParker Wilson: Gavin Goon + (Op/Gav/Cl)
oWyatt Beltran: Student Joe + (Op/Gav/Cl)
oMarc Tyszka: Facebook 1 + (Op/Gav/Cl)
oCameron Wilson: “What’s Up” Boy 1 + (Op/Cl)
oCorey Wilson: “What’s Up” Boy 2 + (Op/Cl)
oTroy Hawks (Op/Cl)
oBrandon Boden (Op/Cl)
oReis Newton (Op/Cl)]
oBen Bledsoe (Op/Cl)
oBlake Darling (Op/Cl)
oBrett Newton (Op/Cl)
oMitchell De Gues (Op/Cl)
oBrayden McLaughlin (Op/Cl)
oTyler Yoshida (Op/Cl)

Ensemble Definitions:
Op: Opening “High School”
Gav: Gavin “Can’t Touch this” Musical Number
Test: “Just a Test” Muscial Number-See Sister Myers
Cl: Closing “I Gotta Feeling” Musical Number/Dance

Ensemble cast will be given more detail later as to their part in each number. If you have an ensemble role and a particular rehearsal doesn’t cover your part, you are still needed at each rehearsal. There are adult leaders that need your help. Be sure to talk with a leader to see how you can help the show get ready (Painting/design/costume, etc)

kicking things off


Welcome to all Youth and Adults working on the 2010 Temecula Ward Roadshow. Visit this site for important updates and information for roadshow cast and crew. Crew memebers will have access to this blog to post any information importatnt tpo the production. Also, and pictures taken during this adventure of ours!

Coming soon...the "Beauty can be a Beast" cast list!!!